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The Brand


For as long as I can remember, I have always gravitated to nude or blush lip wear. The lighter the pigment the more comfortable I felt wearing lipstick. It was never that bold colors were not appealing to me but because I was a shy kid growing up that did not change much in my adult life. I felt that dramatic colors would put me in the spotlight and that was somewhere I never wanted to be.


Now that I am older, colors seem to be screaming out try me, but the hesitation is still somewhat there. Therefore, I thought, what better way to step out in front but to be my own color canvas. Well, here I am, taking that leap with my own brand of colorful shades of confidence to say hello to the world and embrace the beauty of bold, conversational hues that blend in the diversity of beautiful women everywhere.


With this brand, I would love all women to feel present and empowered in their beauty, to embrace the many shades that complement their strengths and fearlessness to be unapologetically who they are. Any day of the week, you can glide on your favorite Harmony Blue Cosmetics to create a vibe, step out in front of the canvas and color on confidence, layer-by-layer.


As you browse the site, I am confident you will find quality in our brand and affordability that will not break the bank.

Andrea Rene

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