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Don't Contaminate your Lipstick

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

Preserve your lipsticks and glosses when you're feeling sick with a cold or other related symptoms by using alternative applicator tools to prevent contaminating your lip essentials.

Often times we don't think about the use of our makeup when we experience

cold, sinus and flu-like symptoms and just jump right in with our beauty routine, not realizing the spread of germs and viruses that come in contact with our makeup.

It is so common to overlook this habit that can result in lingering symptoms, due to the continued use of products that have been exposed and compromised when you were sick. This may be a hard habit to break but when it starts to hit your wallet, the chore to remember turns on that light bulb in your mind to explore new techniques to combat this issue for the preservation of your products.

Here are a couple of tips to help you keep your makeup clean and free of germs when you're feeling under-the-weather but still want to look your best:

Tip #1 - It's okay to Q-tip

Q-tips are a multi-use, multi-functional tool to use as an applicator for makeup, if you don’t have a disposable wand to apply your lip product. Swab a generous amount on the first pass of the product so that you don’t have to double dip the swab.

Tip #2 - Don't forget the lip brush

If you use a lip brush, clean it before each use to rid it when sitting in your brush holder or open space and follow the same process of applying a generous amount of lipstick or gloss on the initial contact to prevent dipping into the product again, compromising it.

Not all habits are bad habits

Once you become conscious and habit-forming of how you handle and care for your makeup the practice of preservation of your makeup will save what’s in your wallet and collection of beauty products. At the end of the day, make good sound decisions to determine your comfort in this process or simply throw out that lipstick or gloss and stay safe in your journey to keep you products free of contamination and other debris.

If today you're ready to purge those old products and start new and fresh, everything you need is just a click below.

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